Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This Blog's Sitemeter Chart for the Past Year

Sometime last October I added sitemeter's free usage tracking to my blog, to get a better idea of what was being read and when and by who, etc. It has been very useful information to have. Sitemeter also allows you to see the usage changes in graph form. I keep the data passworded so no one else can see it, for privacy and other concerns. However, I did want to share the usage graph for the past year. The blip in February was because politicspa linked to two postings on their front page. The blip in May was due to the primary and the increase in readership over the past few months is due to the upcoming November elections. Starting Nov. 8th I expect the stats to drop by about half.


  1. wow, this makes me feel like I should give up the game. not enough original content over by me, I guess...

  2. ACM, It's a blip, only a blip. It will drop like a rock right after the election. I check your site daily for news and updates and depend on you to cull out the good stuff. Your abstracting is wonderful and I, like many others, depend on it. Next year, with the mayor's race, which is more in your backyard than mine, your numbers will probably soar.

  3. [forget the whole thing. I was having problems of scale -- *monthly* numbers, acm, monthly! eesh.]

  4. Tom,

    This is a good question. If there is a way to track who uses an RSS feed, I don't know what it is. A few people have told me they think my readeship is larger than sitemeter indicates but sitemeter is all I have to go on.

  5. If you combine Sitemeter with Stat Counter you get a very good idea who is coming to your blog and what they do.
    Your growth rate is very impressive. My graph is similar but the numbers on the left much less impressive. I'm hoping time will cure that.

  6. PA Progressive, I'm pleased with the growth rate, though I do expect readership to drop precipitously after the election. It's actually a little unnerving to realize so many people are looking at the blog these days. It's nowhere near the readership the big dogs get but for me it's a significant jump. It will be nice when things go back to normal.
