Friday, October 27, 2006

A Quick Rick Taylor Round Up

Rick Taylor, Democratic candidate for the 151st state house seat, has gotten some good press lately. The Intelligencer ("A tough race in 151st," by Jacob Fendon) has a good article on the campaign. The race was listed as one of the top 22 state races by Pete DeCoursey of CapitolWire. It was also the focus of an article in the Ambler Gazette (" The 151st Legislative District is heating up," by Nick Norlen, 10/25/2006)


  1. Your links to Rick Taylor, as well as to the missing persons' bill, don't work. I was able to decipher Rick's but not the other.

  2. Thank you. I'll fix the Taylor link. I'm not sure what post the missing persons bill is on. If you let me know I'll try to fix that, too.
