Monday, October 02, 2006

Poll Dancing

Sorry, couldn't resist using that blog post title.

There are a number of new polls out.

PA-07 -- polls show a dead heat between incumbent Republican Curt Weldon and Democratic challenger Joe Sestak.

PA-10 -- incumbent Republican Don Sherwood is reported to be trailing Fightin' Dem Chris Carney, 38-47.

IssuesPA and the Pew have released survey results showing the issues on voters' minds by region. (full report here). Note our region:

People who live in Philadelphia city and suburban Southeastern PA display very different political values than those living in the other four other regions. Support for gun control is the top distinguishing political value in both regions. Residents of these two regions are defined by their greater acceptance of immigrants and the use of a second language. Those living in the city tend to be less supportive of using aggressive military force; those in the Southeastern suburbs are more internationalist in their perspective.


  1. Anti-immigration feelings don't seem to be in the minority in Bucks County. Fitzpatrick knows it and is running hard on them.

  2. Sadly there are plenty of rednecks in Bucks, especially lower Bucks.
