Thursday, October 05, 2006

News Round Up

Just a few items that have escaped previous notice:

Lois Murphy has spruced up her campaign website Allyson Schwartz has added more issues information to hers, The Lehigh County Democratic Committee has launched a website at: Visit all three and you could while away an hour or so of work time (not that I would recommend such a thing, mind you).

Jeff Albert, Democratic candidate for the 12th state senate has been asking some interesting questions about the gifts given to the Republican incumbent, Stewart Greenleaf. The press release hasn't shown up on politicspa yet but I'll link to it when it does. Speaking of Albert, the more I read about judicial elections the more I support his plan for merit selection of judges.

Looking for something to do next week? On Tuesday one of my favorite advice columnists, Dan Savage (no, not the prospective Philly councilman, the other one) will be in town to help raise money for Philadelphians Against Santorum. SAVAGE LOVE LIVE will be Tuesday, October 10th, 7:30 PM @ the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch Street, Philadelphia / $25 donation ($10 student), Tickets also available at the door. Be aware that Savage's humor is not for everyone, certainly not for kids.

1 comment:

  1. I've revamped and relocated The Pennsylvania Progressive also. It's now at
