Sunday, October 01, 2006

New National Journal House Rankings

I was remiss and didn't post on the new House race rankings from the National Journal that came out on Sept. 22nd. So this is somewhat dated news, but still interesting:

PA-06 dropped from #4 to #5 (incumbent Republican Jim Gerlach being challenged by Democrat Lois Murphy).

PA-08 moved back up to #14 from #19 (incumbent Republican Mike Fitzpatrick trying to fend off Democrat Patrick Murphy).

PA-07 shifted from #13 to #16 (incumbent Republican Curt Weldon facing Democrat Joe Sestak).

PA-10 holds steady at #21 (incumbent Republican Don Sherwood against Democrat Chris Carney).

Mark Foley's Florida district wasn't in the top 50 races. Bet it will be next time!

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