Wednesday, September 27, 2006

There is No Wall Between Legislative and Campaign

Have you ever signed up with an elected official to be kept updated on their legislative work, townhall meetings, and so on? Did you think you might also get campaign and fundraising materials? All too often there is no wall, not even a low curb, between legislative lists and campaign lists. Daddy Democrat writes about received campaign sleaze from his state rep (Tom Gannon, who is being challenged by Bryan Lentz) with an address typo that matches an address typo used by his legislative email list.

I can confirm this happens. Some years ago I volunteered on a campaign for an incumbent. One of my jobs was entering data into the campaign mailing database. I was routinely sent letters and notes from consituents thanking the official for help or congratulating them on votes or community efforts, and asked to add the names and addressed to the database. Only a few of these items went to the official's home; most were addressed to the legislative office. Sometimes I just received the envelope, sometimes the letter or note was left inside.

It would be nice to think legislative and campaign work is kept separate but it doesn't seem to happen.

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