Monday, September 25, 2006

PA-08 Update

I attended the Mike Fitzpatrick / Patrick Murphy debate on Sunday evening but matters arising haven't allowed me to finish typing up my notes yet. Hopefully tomorrow. In the meantime, here is another bit of news from the 8th congressional district. Excerpted from emails:

There is a push poll being distributed:

Here is the information mentioned on immigration:
- Patrick Murphy wants to let 68 million illegal immigrants into the country
- Patrick Murphy will give Medicare benefits to “illegals”
- Patrick Murphy will give full in-state college tuition to “illegals”
- Patrick Murphy wants to dissolve the Patriot Act, making it easier for terrorists to attack our country

At Sunday's debate Murphy said he doesn't support condoning illegal behavior by granting amnesty to illegal aliens, supports the use of high tech surveillance, and cracking down on those who employ illegal aliens. He pointed out that Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick missed a vote on increasing the number of border agents.

I see a disconnect between what Murphy said and what is being said about him. I wonder where the money trail on the poll leads....


  1. Right now I am trying to get medicaid to cover my(mentally ill)daughter when our health insurance runs out. It doesn't look promising. I will probably have to take a second mortgage. If only she was an illegal.......

  2. From my comment at mydd reference the same emails:

    There's something about the illegals that sticks in their craws. Check this email I go from my very Repub brother-in-law:

    I think where we are going wrong is the far left thinks everyone (including illegals) should enjoy a full array of constitutional rights.

    This conversation was regarding searches of students on school property, but note how he had to throw the 'illegals' in there. It's even it's own little coded shorthand like 'democrat' or 'pc' or 'feminazi' or 'gay marriage.'

    It's this season's fear word: fight 'illegals' - vote GOP.

  3. weird, my brother in law's comment didn't post:

    I think where we are going wrong is the far left thinks everyone (including illegals) should enjoy a full array of constitutional rights.

  4. huh?

    okay, one more try:

    I think where we are going wrong is the far left thinks everyone (including illegals) should enjoy a full array of constitutional rights.

  5. I missed about half the Iraq debate because I couldn't get inside, so I'm looking forward to reading your recap!

    Donate to Patrick Murphy!

  6. oh wait, I'm shocked to learn that a GOP right winger would distort a good Democrat's record. Excuse me while I come to grips with this.

  7. LV,

    Ha! Next you'll be telling me there's no tooth fairy ....

    Thanks to everyone else for their comments

  8. What is wrong with you Jane? Who put that money under my pillow? The tooth fairy does so exist! Now that Easter Bunny fellow... that's a shady character, bouncing around with a basket full of candy.
