Thursday, September 28, 2006

News Round Up

This is a brief post. It has been a long week.

I caught some of the speeches about the proposed PA gun laws on PCN. The gentleman who drew an analogy between the public reaction to the recent "spinach" crisis and the public reaction to the recent increase in gun violence was wonderful. You can read more about it in the Inquirer ("The gun controversy: Philadelphia residents rally in Harrisburg to protest gun violence," by Vernon Clark, 9/26), online here and ("Mostly, a miss on gun control: The Pa. House turned aside most proposals. One lawmaker called the urban initiatives "liberal gun-grabbing legislation."" by Mario F. Cattabiani and Amy Worden) here.

Jared Goyette has a nice profile of Patrick Murphy (Democratic candidate for the 8th congressional district) in this week's City Paper (available online here).

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