Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lang and Other State Senate Candidates Set Priorities

This past week Paul Lang, Democratic candidate for the 6th state senate district, sent out an announcement on what would be his legislative priorities. In part, the press release said:

Paul Lang supports developing small business initiatives and raising
the minimum wage to $7.15 by 2007 for all workers. In March, he called for a "Fair Share Health Care" law for Pennsylvania and announced his support for Rep. Jake Wheatley's disclosure bill requiring the state welfare department to report annually on the number of people on Medicaid who are employees of businesses with 20 or more workers.

Additionally, Lang is a strong supporter of expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to ensure that all eligible children can be enrolled under a presumptive eligibility initiative. The expansion would help to ensure that all eligible children would have health insurance. The same plan is supported by Gov. Ed Rendell.

Tomorrow Lang, Jeff Albert (Democratic candidate for the 12th state senate district), and Chris Serpico (Democratic candidate for the 10th state senate district) will hold a joint press conference to highlight a 10 point program for legislative reform, including Lobbyist Disclosure Reforms, Open Records Law modifications, and Structural Changes to the manner in which Senate sessions are conducted.

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