Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another Patrick Murphy Update

I recently had a chance to hear Patrick Murphy speak again. Here are some of the things he said:

His district, the 8th congressional district, has been targeted the Democratic Party and put in the "Red to Blue' category, a list of districts that have a good chance of changing parties. He attributed this recognition to the hard work of his staff and volunteers.

His wife was registered as a Republican when he met her.

In early march a poll showed his opponent, incumbent Republican Mike Fitzpatrick, ahead by 14 points. In a poll released in July that lead had been cut to 6 points. When given fuller biographical information on Murphy he leads by 19 points.

In regards to minimum wage, 60% of minimum wag earners are the breadwinners in their family. Even if the minimum wage were increased to $7.15, the annual salary of a minimum wage worker would be a little over $14,000. Murphy noted that when he was in Iraq a private earned roughly $15,000 a year, less than 10% of what a U S Congressman makes.

He also spoke about stem cell research. You can read more about his views on that in these press releases (here and here).

[As an additional update, there is a new web ad on Murphy's campaign web site.

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