Saturday, July 22, 2006

Learning the Ropes

Another round of workshops and conferences on learning the political process is coming up.

All Things Political
Monday, August 21, 2006 8:00 AM -
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:00 PM
Catamaran Resort
3999 Mission Blvd.
San Diego, CA
details here

if you prefer the correspondence course method this may appeal to you:

Throughout the summer, DFA Night School will offer three online sessions that will help build your media skills. The sessions combine an online presentation with a live conference call and group discussion with our trainers to show you how to get a progressive message into the media. You can join any or all of the DFA Night School sessions from the comfort of your home or office today. Click here to sign up:

July 25: Working the Mainstream Media
August 1: Leveraging Blogs and Online Media
August 8: Sustaining your Media Presence

The events are free of charge and you don't need any prior experience working with the media. Media coverage is one of the best tools we have for spreading our progressive values -- and holding this administration and Congress accountable for their failures. Click here to find out more and reserve your spot.

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