Thursday, July 06, 2006

Forecast: Light Postings

I'm breaking in some new computer equipment and postings may be light for a few days until all the bugs are worked out. The weekly legislative update probably won't be out until late next week. Sorry about that.

As a preview of things to come, Russ Shade, candidate for the 183rd state house district, has just sent in answers to interview questions so those will be showing up in the next week. Another interview may follow shortly afterward.

For those new to the blog or coming in after seeing it mentioned in the Inquirer or on C-SPAN (she says, as if this happens every day), see this introductory post.

1 comment:

  1. good luck with teh new equipment. Having recently moved into a new space and not having MY computer for about a month, I know how much of a slow down it can be. Look forward to reading more of your great work.
