Monday, June 26, 2006

Weldon Update

From the inbox (h/t Colin), two interesting notes on Curt Weldon:

A post from the always insightful Tom Ferrick on Weldon's search for WMD.

From the Huffington Post, a lengthy post on Weldon's misguided defense policy.

Weldon's opponent in the 7th Congressional district is Joe Sestak.

1 comment:

  1. While I think Weldon is a little nutty and the lobbying jobs his daughters have certainly looks fishy, let's not forget Weldon's job is to represent his constituents interests.

    In his case, that means defending Boeing helicopter operations at Ridley Park. These are good jobs, too, not minimum wage retail ones. What Weldon is doing is no different than what Rendell tried to do to keep JRB Willow Grove open or the Philadelphia congressional delegation did to keep the military commands in the city open during the first BRAC. You always churn out the most dire scenario that would happen if your pet project is in danger of
    being cut or closed.

    I myself have written such worst case scenarios when trying to get money for the aircraft spare parts I used to manage for the Navy.

    That's not to say we don't need a healthy debate on defense, military spending and national security. We do. If I were Sestak I'd engage Weldon on that front. The decisions about what is best for the entire country are far too important to be left to "all politics is local".
