Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Press Release Round-up

A few items from the inbox:

John Norvaisas, Democratic candidate running against Paul Clymer for the 145th state house district has a nice list of events on his website. the 145th district is in Bucks County and includes East Rockhill, Haycock, Milford, Perkasie, Quakertown, Richland Richlandtown, Sellersville, Springfield, Trumbauersville & West Rockhill.

Joe Sestak has released his plan for ending military engagement in Iraq. (via politicspa) Sestak has also been getting some good press lately. See this article in USA Today ("GOP lawmaker in Pa. fighting to keep his job," by Andrea Stone) and this article from Newsweek ("Politics: High-Level Interest in a Low-Level Race" by Mark Hosenball, 5/29/06 issue).

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