Friday, June 02, 2006

Our Part of the Bargain: Other Views

As promised, here are links to other blogger's views on our part of the bargain (my view is here). Updated as needed. Thanks to all who wrote. The response has been great.

Matthew Best at PennPatriot
Liberal Doomsayer
Ellen at The Sam and Becky Boo Show
Next Direction
Trace 2000
Save Ardmore Coalition (comment on Philly Future)
The Smedley Log
eRobin at Factesque

Chris Satullo's column in the Inquirer (not a part of this effort but at least partly on the topic nonetheless).
PSOTD thinks voters should be rated.
Susie of The Suburban Guerilla recommends we read a book.

For further reading Carl suggests we all check out Rousseau on the social contract (wiki info here)

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued that so many of the responses are directed to what *voters* owe the politicians they support, while I thought that the original question was what *bloggers* owed them -- an overlapping but slightly different question. To much of the good civic-minded get-moving advice, then, I'd add that bloggers who feel strongly about a candidate or race should exhort their readers to volunteer, donate, and generally get involved. They should provide specific information and impressions, not just a general annointing of the chosen -- blog readers expect to use their intelligence, not follow blindly. And once their candidates get elected, bloggers should pay attention to whether they deliver on their promises, and publicize both when they do and when they don't. Hold them responsible as an individual, asking questions and writing letters, but give an outlet for others to benefit from your research and/or access by sharing your observations with readers and putting out public calls for better behavior. In essence, demand that they re-earn your support for the next time around by doing the job you envisioned, not just by showing up or by rewarding your support with other goodies like access or flattery. Bloggers can speak for larger groups (to politicians) as well as to larger groups (for politicans) than can most other individuals, and they should be careful and diligent with that power, as a result.
