Sunday, June 04, 2006

Our Part of the Bargain: Another View

Interestingly enough, Chris Satullo's column in today's Inky discusses our responsibilities as citizen. Here is an excerpt:

People will spend hours on a Web site researching which MP3 player or hybrid golf club to buy - but claim to have no time to read up on what their government is doing in their names.

Being a citizen involves more than voting. Voting, lamentably, has become the most consumerlike activity of citizenship. Too many people judge candidates the same way they pick a Toyota dealer: Who's offering me the cheapest deal?

To be a citizen is to claim your place in a whole that transcends private interests. To be a citizen is to safeguard a legacy of liberty for which millions have dreamed, labored and risked lives. Citizens should never let partisan quarrels dwarf the bond they share with each fellow citizen.

Read the whole column here.

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