Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Miscellany of Links

Just a few info bits from all around (via politicspa):

2006 House races rated by National Journal:
#4 -- PA-06 (Lois Murphy / Jim Gerlach)
#16 -- PA-07 (Joe Sestak / Curt Weldon)
#29 -- PA-08 (Patrick Murphy / Mike Fitzpatrick)
#33 -- PA-10 (Chris Carney / Sherwood)

If you were wondering about the pensions coming to legislators who lost in last month's primaries, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has that information for you in this article.

In case you missed it the new Quinnipac poll is out and gives Casey a 52-34 lead over Santorum. (here)


  1. Why is the Fitzpatrick/Murphy race so far down I wonder.

  2. My guess is that is has to do with money. So if you haven't voted in those otherwise annoying straw polls, zip over and vote for Patrick.

  3. I really love the summer, but I can't wait for November.
