Wednesday, June 14, 2006

House Journals for January 2006

The House Journals for January 2006 are now online. Not much in the Jan. 3rd, 23rd or 25th, but there is some lively conversation in the 24th, pages 23-25 of the journal page numbering, pages 11-13 of the pdf version.

The topic is a bill on the allocation of funds to county mental health and mental retardation programs. Rep. Kenney is questioned about the bill by Mr. Vitali and Mr. Cappelli. They are asking good questions about the validity and expense of the programs, and Kenney is supplying the answers. It is a wonderful example of how things should work. It was hard to pick out just a few lines to present, so please take a few moments to read through those few pages yourself.

Now, see, was that hard? The Journals get put on the Internet, people read them and note the good parts. Do you think we could get them before they are 6 months old?

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