Thursday, June 08, 2006

For Those Who Like Straw Polls

DFA is having an election for Grassroots All-Star. Of the 34 candidates, four are from PA: Joe Sestak (PA-07), Patrick Murphy (PA-08), Chris Carney (PA-10) and Lois Herr (PA-16). Be aware that to vote you have to enter first and last name, zipcode and email and you will be added to mailing lists.

Virginia Gov. Mark Warner is heading up a "Change the Map" vote for Forward Together PAC, with 3 rounds. June 1-13 nominate; June 14-25 top 10, June 25-July 4 grand prize (a fundraiser with Mark Warner). Nominations are divided into East and West. The East section has options for Ed Rendell, Bob Casey, the four congressional candidates listed above plus four others. Note that in order to vote you have to create an account on Forward Together PAC, with name, email and zipcode. Given the rumored presidential ambitions of Gov. Warner, I assume this is a not so subtle way of putting together a national database of potential supporters.

Me, personally, I say just send your favorite congressional candidate a donation instead, but if you like these things, knock yourself out.

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