Friday, June 16, 2006

Change of Heart

Last week I wrote about two online straw polls being held by DFA and the Foward Together PAC. I was, how shall we say, less than enthusiastic about them. However, I keep getting emails from campaigns and reading about them on campaign blogs and it appears that this sort of thing is very important to them. So, last night, I voted in both. On the Forward Together site ("Change the Map") there is an opt out for being on the email list.

If you are interested, here are the links:

DFA Grassroots All-Star (US House races only)

Forward Together's Change the Map has a broader focus.

There are a lot of good candidates listed, Patrick Murphy, Lois Murphy, Joe Sestak, Chris Carney, and others. Who did I vote for? You may have noticed I have a favorite house candidate.

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