Monday, May 08, 2006

The WSJ on PA Flooding

In Saturday / Sunday's Wall Street Journal:

For instance, Pennsylvania, which has no oceanfront, had more flood-insurance claims in 2004 that any state except Florida, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The reason? Heavy rains from Tropical Storms Ivan and Frances. ("Who Needs A Flood Policy?" by M. P. McQueen, May 6-7, 2006, p. B1)

1 comment:

  1. Not just the hurricanes, but the non-stop development along creeks and rivers and their flood plains deprives the areas of open space to absorb the water and creates massive run-off instead. Every time there's a heavy rain, areas along the Delaware, the Neshimeny Creek and so forth always flood.

    It Pennsylvania had comprehensive statewide planning and not the mish-mash of local ordinances, there'd be a lot less building in flood plains
    and a lot fewer insurance claims.
