"Mr. Bush is really doing poorly in our state." and "I've got to win this by myself."
Weldon's campaign had another story:
Tuesday, Pete Peterson, a Weldon spokesman, said Weldon's planned absence at Bush's Philadelphia appearance had nothing to do with the president's unpopularity in Pennsylvania. Instead, Peterson said Weldon “simply wasn't invited” to the event.
Just a quick note on Pres. Bush's visit today:
A third congressional candidate attended the fundraiser but did not share the dais with Gerlach, Fitzpatrick and Bush.
Mingling among the GOP supporters was Raj Bhakta, best known for being fired by Donald Trump during the second season of the NBC reality show "The Apprentice." He is the Republican challenging Democratic U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz for the state's 13th District seat representing suburban Philadelphia.
I wish the AP reporter had asked Raj whom he was rooting for in the Lois Murphy/Jim Gerlach matchup.