Thursday, May 18, 2006

Class Act #1: Patrick Murphy

An email from Patrick Murphy to his supporters and volunteers:


Three days ago, we asked you to raise your voice for change.

Well, you raised it alright - and it was heard loud and clear throughout Bucks County and the 8th District of Pennsylvania!

I share this victory with all of you. To those who attended the victory party Tuesday night and those who were there in spirit, to those who knocked on doors and those who manned the phones, to those who gave so much of their time and resources and heart to this campaign:

Thank you.

Andy Warren, a man who has served Bucks County all his life, deserves our thanks as well. He should be commended for his honorable campaign, and united, nothing can stop us now.

Last night saw the end of an important chapter in our campaign, a chapter that could never have been written without all of you. But we know this is just the beginning of the tough fight through to victory in November. Mike Fitzpatrick is gearing up for the race of his life because he knows that we are united, we are strong, and we are ready.

Let's send a message: we're here to fight, we're here to win, and we're here to take back our country!

Looking forward to seeing you out there on the campaign trail!


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