Thursday, April 20, 2006

Senate Journal Update

I've been watching the online senate journals and they were updated recently, with a day in February and two days in March. The March issues don't have anything really interesting in them. A lot of congratulations and proclamations and appointments to boards. I would be tempted to stuff a paper clip in the voting slot, too, if I were a legislator and would otherwise be forced to sit through this stuff.

The February 15th issue, though, had some interesting discussions in it. Pages 26 through 29 pertain to the minimum wage. Pages 15-19 pertain to Cynthia Baldwin's judicial appointment. See the comments on p. 15 about her service with Penn State, and p. 19 where one senator says that since the football team won while she was on the board he's all for her appointment to the bench. Good logic there (yes, I know it was a joke, please don't write and tell me I have no sense of humor -- it's been done). The same senator also wants to point out that teaching first grade is a difficult job. No argument from me on that.

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