Our delightful friends at opensecrets.org (Center for Responsive Politics) have loaded their statistics on first quarter campaign finance reports. PA-08, PA -07 and PA-06 are complete. PA-13 is too, but doesn't have any surprises.
Here are some details, just a sliver of what they provide and I've included links so you can take a look for yourself (and I encourage all of you to do this).
PA-08 (Fitzpatrick, Patrick Murphy, Warren)
Fitzpatrick is the Republican incumbent. Murphy and Warren are Democratic challengers.
Half of Fitzpatrick's money (50%) comes from PACs, 47% from individuals, 3% from other. Murphy received the majority of his money (92%) from individuals, 8% from PACS. Warren has 55% from individals, 2% from PACs, a whopping 42% as a loan from himself, and 1% from other (I know it doesn't add up, not sure what's going on here).
In state / out of state ratio of donations for Fitzpatrick is 85/16, for Murphy 79/21 and for Warren 90/10.
The top industry donating to Fitzpatrick are leadership PACs (they donated 3 times more than the next highest industry), for Murphy it is lawyers/law firms, followed by retired people, for Warren it is construction.
PA-06 (Gerlach, Leibowitz, Lois Murphy)
Gerlach is the Republican incumbent, Leibowitz and Murphy are Democratic challengers.
This race shows a similar pattern. Gerlach received 52% of his money from PACs, 44% from individuals, Lois Murphy has 81% from individuals from individuals, 18% from PACs, Liebowitiz loaned himself 51% of his money, with 49% from individuals.
In state / out of state ratio for Gerlach is 86 / 15, for Murphy is 68/32.
The top industry for Gerlach is Leadership PACS (by more than 2 times the next highest industry), for Murphy it is lawyers / law firms, followed by women's issues.
PA-07 (Sestak, Weldon)
Weldon is the Republican incumbent. Sestak is the Democratic challenger.
Weldon has 46% from PACs 53% from individuals, for Sestak 92% individuals, 6% PACs, 1% from the candidate.
In state / out of state ratio for Weldon is 48 / 52, the breakdown for Sestak is not available yet.
Weldon's top 3 industries are all related to defense. Info on Sestak was not broken down by opensecrets.
PA-13 (Bhakta, Schwartz)
Schwartz is the Democratic incumbent. Bhakta is the Republican challenger.
Schwartz is so far ahead here and Bhakta has so little money that comparisons are hard to make. Schwartz has a 60/40 in state / out of state ratio. Bhakta has an 11/89 ratio. Schwartz received 82% of her donations from individuals, Bhakta 100%. top industries for Schwartz are lawyers / law firms and retired. For Bhakta it is lodging / tourism.
Great post.
ReplyDeleteThanks! opensecrets has great stuff. It really puts the reports in perspective.