There has been a lot going on in the 152nd house race lately. This district includes part of Montgomery County and Northeast Philly.
Ross Schriftman, one of three Democrats running, has been busy. He has suggested mandatory continuing education for legislators, specifically in Pennsylvania and U.S. constitutional law. I don't know if that would fly or not but it certainly couldn't hurt. In light of recent revelations on GOP gubernatorial hopeful Lynn Swann's spotty voting record, Schriftman has said he has voted in every election since he became a registered voter in 1971. He also said that he was the first person under the age of 21 to register to vote in Montgomery County when the law was changed to allow 18 to 21 year olds to participate in elections.
John S. Weinrich Sr. and Michael Paston are also running for the Democratic spot on the ticket. Weinrich failed to get the GOP's backing against Cornell two years ago and changed his party affiliation to Democratic. Michael Paston also switched parties from Republican to Democrat.
Tom Murt, who is challenging incumbent Sue Cornell, did not get the party endorsement but is continuing on in the primary elections. He has been holding a series of forums in the district. One was held Feb. 19th at the Fulmor Heights Homeowner Association. The next will be in the Huntingdon Valley Library Community Room on Thursday, March 9th at 7:00. Cornell was invited but did not attend the meeting on the 19th and is invited to the forum on the 9th also.
Murt has announced his passionate support of Senate Bills #71, #354, and #355, all of which concern bullying and violence in schools.
After receiving the endorsement of the local Republican party Cornell and county party chairman Ken Davis both said they hoped other Republicans would drop out of the race for the good of the party. However, when Cornell was running for office in Hatboro in 2003 she did not seek the party's endorsement and ran against endorsed Republican candidates. Do people think we don't notice things like this?
Sources (other than imbedded links):
Anastasi, John, "Incumbents defeated in Hatboro," Intelligencer May 21, 2003
"News," Intelligencer January 19, 2006
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