Wednesday, March 22, 2006

News Round Up

Here are few things that came to my attention recently:

The Garnet Donkeys think we should be paying more attention to Joe Sestak's campaign in PA-07. (hat tip Colin)

Here is an update on some of the petition challenges around the state. (hat tip John)

Russ Shade, who decided not to fight the petition challenge in PA house district 183, wants us to know that he is not dropping out of the race, just switching to a write-in campaign for the Democratic nomination. As a note for voters in the 183rd, let me say that, at least on email, Russ is a thougtful, civil, yet determined guy. I think his campaign is worth a look.

Albert, who is one of two bloggers I know of running for Philadelphia committeeperson, has been smacked by the party machine. Read here, here, and here. I hope all goes well for him.

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