Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mr. Featherman Floats

Republican senatorial candidate John Featherman has handed in his petitions and is slated to appear on the primary ballot. According to this article from the Ledger Enquirer Santorum has agreed to at least one primary debate. While Sen. Santorum might not sit up nights worrying about losing the primary, this will provide the campaign with an extra complexity that he would surely rather do without, and provide Republican voters with a choice they would not otherwise have. Featherman was interviewed on this blog here.

1 comment:

  1. I will do my best, Mandrake. I appreciate your enthusiasm. It wasn't easy getting there, but I wasn't going to drop out like so many others. I may not have a lot of money or machinery, but I have plenty of enthusiasm and strength, and I will lead a dignified campaign.

    Thank you again!

    John Featherman
    Republican Candidate, US Senate-PA
