Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Two Unrelated Things

For anyone who has been disconnected from any sort of news media, Bill Scranton has withdrawn his bid to be the Republican gubneratorial candidate and thus leaves the way clear for Lynn Swann. (press release via politicspa). The GOP seems to hope that Scranton's announcement will heal any cleavage within the party.

And speaking of cleavage, the current (Feb/March 2006)issue of Pink magazine has an article entitled "Cleavage Crisis," (p. 80-83)that quotes Bucks County image consultant Georgia Donovan, on her views of appropriate business attire.

These two things have nothing to do with each other, besides crossing my desk on the same day, and it has been a very long day.

1 comment:

  1. Jane,

    Are you sure those two stories are unrelated? I used to do stand-up comedy -- and trust me -- I could go there, but since I am a political candidate who is *not* dropping out, I'll leave the relationship between the two stories to your imagination.

    Speaking of dropping out, Bill Scranton's departure is yet another signal of the strength of the socially conservative Republican leadership in this state that refuses to acknowledge women and their right to control their own bodies. Unlike Lynn Swann, Scranton was a moderate Republican whom I thought could have appealed to both Democrats and Republicans alike.

    It's a shame that Republicans will have one less choice. Funny, yesterday Scranton said he won't drop out (it's right on his Webpage at http://www.pacomeback.com/article.cfm?messageID=157); today, he drops out.

    It's now very unlikely that voters will anytime soon get to see who Lynn Swann really is as a political candidate. We know about his sports career and he got a free cameo at the Superbowl, but thus far he's been vague on most issues. And, of course, Ed Rendell has no primary competition.

    It's sad when primaries are uncontested or when the media treats them as such.

    John Featherman
    Republican Candidate, US Senate-PA
