Thursday, February 09, 2006

Lentz to Run for State House

Bryan Lentz has decided to withdraw his candidacy to be the Democratic candidate for the 7th Congressional district, currently held by Republican Curt Weldon. Instead he will run for the state house seat currently held by Tom Gannon.

According to the Times Leader:

Bryan Lentz said that after conversations with Delaware County Democratic Party officials and Gov. Ed Rendell, he decided it was in the best interest of the party to step aside. He said he will run for the state House instead.

Later in the same article:

"I met with Joe Sestak and I met with my close supporters and we assessed that the best way to bring change to Washington and to Harrisburg was to move forward on a unified front," Lentz said.

Sestak, who served in Afghanistan, praised Lentz as a good soldier and candidate. The two are scheduled to appear together at a news conference Friday afternoon in Media.

(via politicspa)

This one hurts.

Source: Hefling, Kimberly, "Iraq War Veteran Drops Out of U.S. House Race," Times Leader, Feb. 9, 2006


  1. wow... sounds like the powers that be flexed their muscles. At least he is running for state house. 83k is a good nest egg to take to that race. My guess is that the house dems throw a good amount of cash to him.

  2. I agree with LVDEM. Yet another case of political party officials clearing the fields. There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to voter choice -- neither party in Pennsylvania seems to value open primaries. And that's a real shame, as the public suffers from not knowing where "a chosen one" stands on specific views, as there can't be a debate if there's only one candidate.

    When it comes to campaign finance scandals and intra-party support for candidates who don't hold their party's views, there's little difference between Democrats and Republicans, as well.

    We need more candidates to stand up to the party bosses and show us their "power." Otherwise, are we really electing courageous leaders, or are we electing sell-outs?

    Legal Disclaimer: I do not know Mr. Lentz and the above comments are not directed to him. They are directed to the general trend of party machinery clearing the field of primary candidates down to one candidate.

    John Featherman
    Republican Candidate, US Senate-PA
