Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hoeffel at Lt Gov Debate

Grassrootspa has a link to this Patriot News article on a forum for those interested in running for lt. gov. of Pennsylvania. It's worth a read. Sounds like home town boy Joe Hoeffel did well. I've written before on his admirable ability to use words well. Here is one of the better quotes from the article:

He said Democrats need to better communicate their agenda and need to stop allowing Republicans to define them or their issues, which, he said, go beyond issues such as abortion, guns and gay rights.

"We're not going to take your guns, make you have an abortion or turn you gay," Hoeffel said to applause and laughter.


  1. I saw Hoeffel today around 1:30 p.m. at Broad and Walnut in Philadelphia. We spoke for about a minute before he moved on.

    John Featherman
    Republican Candidate, US Senate-PA

  2. He is an extremely nice fellow, but also very sharp. One thing I like about him is that he can make a point very clearly but without being antagonistic about it. He can disagree with you and change your mind before you've even realized what is going on and so didn't have time to prepare your arguments. It's an interesting process to watch. I've actually been in that situation myself. I made a statement in a public meeting that he completely debunked with two words, a sound and a gesture, and was so inoffensive about it that at first I didn't realized I had been disarmed. I think this is an excellent quality for an elected official to have.

  3. I met him as a College Democrat and was immediately wowed by him. After hearing that he beat an incumbent to get elected and then watched him fend of Greenleaf and Brown, I was even more impressed. He came from a difficult district that has been made more Democratic since redrawing. He also showed a lot of guts running against Specter.

  4. i've never been wowed with seeing him speak. never lulled to sleep either. i hate him for falling in line with Casey. other than that blemish, his record is sparkling from what i hear [which is all before my time here in pa].
