Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Anne Dicker for State Rep!

Starting this blog brought me into contact, at least virtually, with the Philadelphia blogosphere and progressive Philadelphia politics. I was quick to learn that it is impossible to do so without tripping over Anne Dicker (or, at least her name) on a regular basis. She seems to have been involved with many of the major organizations and worked for many of the candidates. She sets up meetings, drives people around, gets things going, you name it. These are not prima donna tasks but the activities of someone willing to do what is needed. I've never met her but I've been very impressed with what I have read about her and what other people have said about her.

Yesterday I was very pleased to read that she has decided to run for office, the 175th house district (part of Philadelphia County, including the neighborhoods of Queen Village, Society Hill, Old City, Northern Liberties, and Fishtown). This will be an open seat.

Good luck, Anne!!


  1. Anne Dicker is a tireless advocate for Philadelphia, and for that we owe her the utmost respect. But recently she endorsed (through Philly for Change) Patrick Murphy for the 8th district congressional seat (which encompasses less than 4% of Philadelphia). She did so without a screening committee, official endorsement process, or any legitimate means. She never gave Andy Warren or Fred Viskovich (or for that matter, Schrader or Lang) a chance. She later goes on to work as Murphy's grassroots manager (hmmmn, how convenient that she endorses him and then later finds work with him...), only to leave the campaign during the petition process to run for herself. These signs all hint at a woman who is angling to be a power broker (by making endorsements behind the scenes) rather than a true public servant. She has now jumped into a race when the scent of opportunity is in the air. I cannot criticize the good work that Anne has done, but her recent actions smack of opportunism.

  2. Jane - Howdy. Boy, it's a good thing I'm an obsessive-compulsive anonymous blog reader! I had no idea that Rep. Lederer was leaving! (And something like that is semi-important to my job - how embarassing! I totally blame her PR person...) Anyway, thanks again for keeping everyone up to speed.

    - BipartisanBetty

  3. Betty,

    Always so nice to hear from you! Dicker has competition. Mike O'Brien, who used to work for Lederer, has not only announced his candidacy but has gotten all the needed signatures and filed them (press release on politcspa).

    I guess it will only get busier from here on out. We will both have to be on our toes!

  4. Philly for Change steering committee endorsed Patrick Murphy to be a DFA All Star in late summer. He had made a stunning speech at an ealier meeting. At the the time neither Warren nor Viskovitch had announced they were running. Ginny Schrader was invited to speak at an earlier meeting and she was found wanting.

    Dicker later worked as an unpaid full time volunteer for Murphy. If that's not putting your time and lost $$ to the causes you care about, I don't know what is.

    That's real activism.
