Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Money Money Money Money

Three tidbits on campaign finance.

Bryan Lentz, Democratic candidate for PA-07, has raised $120,000 and has $99,000 on hand. Over half (55%) of his donations were in amounts of $100.00 or less (via politicspa)

Among Iraqi vets running for office, Patrick Murphy, Democratic candidate for PA-08, has raised the most money. (press release on politicspa).

Jim Gerlach, Republic incumbent in PA-06, is in trouble again for not getting the numbers quite right on the amendments to his campaign finance reports (press release from Lois Murphy campaign on politicspa).

(Both Gerlach and Mike Fitzpatrick, Republican incumbent in PA-08, have been the beneficiaries of the GOP Retain our Majority program -- ROMP, as mentioned in this article from The Hill)

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