Saturday, January 07, 2006

Justice Sunday

Tomorrow is Justice Sunday, as dragonballyee and a smoke-filled room wrote earlier.

It is intesting to note that in today's Inquirer, ("Plans for Christian Rally Are Attacked," by Julie Stoiber, p. B1) Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which is organizing the rally, says

the gathering was timed to coincide with the hearings on Alito because his confirmation is seen as "part of the solution to the problem, which is the growing hostility of courts to public displays of religion."

However, one of my readers send me a link to an article in the Hotline (The National Journal's Daily Briefing on Politics), "Family Res. Council Pres. Perkins Concerned About Alito And Pres. Power," dated Jan. 5th, quotes his interview with Rachel Maddow on Air America, on Alito and Alito's views of presidential power:

PERKINS: Let's make clear our position -- we have not endorsed Samuel Alito. I will say this, we look favorably upon his nomination and this is why, while there are issues that we could perceive as troubling and I would say that would be one that would raise some concerns among the staff at Family Research Council, but we see a pattern in his time on the bench which is quite extensive that he is one that holds a philosophy of judicial restraint.

I'm not sure that all quite adds up.

According to the paper Sen. Santorum, Jerry Falwell and James Dobson are scheduled to appear. Three peas in a pod.

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