Friday, January 13, 2006

Casey's Web Site Updated With Issues!

For those who grew tired of checking and haven't visited in a while, Bob Casey's campaign web site has been updated and now includes some issue statements, some even offering specifics.


  1. they added that non-offensive, non-controversial snoozefest of an "issues page" a long time ago and haven't bothered to add some more real issues to it.

    Chuck Pennacchio has a very healthy issues page: and the campaign even put together a fact file for Casey Jr.'s positions based on his own words for everyone's use:
    [I'm a Pennacchio supporter and volunteer]

  2. I'm glad you say that you are a supporter and volunteer and Stephanie Singer, a staffer, writes letters to the editor and doesn't say that she works for him. Thanks for being honest

  3. I agree with Albert about the "snoozefest" comment. Once you posted that Casey had updated his Website, Jane, I went there immediately. But the issues page is no different than it was a few months ago. Casey doesn't even touch any controversial issues like gun control, abortion rights, gay rights, or job creation. In fact, he tried to play both sides by saying that he supports small businesses ("provide more support for small businesses"), but he also supports hiking the minimum wage, an anathema to small business growth.

    Bob Casey has few original ideas and is playing it safe by not dabbling in controversial areas. Call that courage?

    Certainly, Alan Sandals and Chuck Pennacchio have publicly disseminated their issues with more detail and robustness than Mr. Casey. Sandals and Pennacchio have been willing to take stands on conversial issues, and they deserve to get credit for that.

    As for "anonymous'" comment, there are plenty of candidates who use their staff's shills to plant articles. I will never forget how Bob Casey's workers called, without identifying their affiliation, a TV show on PCN to criticize Casey's then opponent, Katie True. When it came out, it was a total embarrassment.

    John Featherman
    Republican Candidate, US Senate-PA

  4. I stand corrected. It had been so long since I checked his site that what was there was new to me.

  5. I guess I just thought that Pennacchio was running a different kind of campaign and would expect his staff to be straight forward.
