Saturday, December 17, 2005

Your Tax Dollars at Work

The House Journal for the spring months was released in October and I finally had a chance to stop at my nearest law library to look at them. It never fails to amaze me what sort of things our elected officials take up time doing. The introduction of visitors (the Cottage Cheese Queen of Podunk, as a hypothetical example), etc., and a number of annoucements that would, in other industries, be put in the company newsletter or sent around on email.

This one seemed really over the top. I deleted the names of those mentioned as they surely did not ask for this publicity. The gentleman speaking is Rep. Bill DeWeese, Democratic leader of the House.

I will be brief. As Senator [name deleted] used to refer to the connubial couch, he referred to those moments of bliss as the ineffable blandishments of conjugal extravaganzas. Just within the last few days, my chief of staff, [name deleted], got married on and behalf of the Speaker, who has generously allowed me to take the microphone, and our colleagues, unlike many of us, who are elected, [names deleted] and other senior staff people seem to have very few enemies. I could be misreading that, but nevertheless, [name deleted] has succumbed to those wonderful blandishments, and although I am certainly no expert on the quotidian travails of matrimony, I still wanted to doff my hat and say congratulations to my young chief of staff on his marriage. (Legislative Journal -- House, June 7, 2005, p. 1078)

If the workings of the state get bollixed up with a lot of hooha, this sort of stuff and this guy in particular get my vote for chief hooha-er.

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