Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Last Minute Shopping Part 2

If you are shopping for someone who lives in a house with children, don't forget board games. Lots of them. We have 5 versions of Monopoly and 3 of Clue. Add in Connect 4, Battleship, Don't Break the Ice, Scrabble, some others I can't remember, and assorted decks of cards. Lately Mr. J has been playing Uno with the kids in front of the fire after homework is done. I'm more the Scrabble type.

For the past several years we have vacationed with an extended family group and take along Cranium and some other games. I can tell you that in such circumstances it is good to be the only teetotaller in the group. In my case it makes up for the occasional slow-wittedness or post-ice cream brain freeze.

Yes, they are hokey, but they are fun. If the kids have friends over we can pull out a board game, I bring in some popcorn or pretzels or cupcakes (or veggies, sometimes its veggies, honest), and off they go.


  1. Not sure how old the little Jane's are but throw in Yatzee (did I spell that right?). Forces them to do some math and when taught by an adult how to play, its the kind of game that keeps them coming back.

  2. Taboo is a great one for the whole family or other groups (parties, etc.) -- you have to get folks to guess a word without using the most obvious (taboo) clues; say, waitress without restaurant, food, serve, tip, etc. Puts everybody at a similar disadvantage and rewards creative work-arounds and shared associations...
