Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Day

Oh, my, it has been a busy weekend. The little Janes, all things considered, were well-behaved. They got all of the things they really wanted and a few small extras. It was a lot of stuff but not an avalanche. I made out like a bandit -- seven pairs of new socks, a nice bracelet, a fluffy robe, and two things that will make me the envy of every room parent in PTA -- a double decker cupcake carrier (holds 24), and a cupcake tower (holds 12 cupcakes in a three layer tree shape), and an assortment of other very wonderful things. Best of all we spent today with people we care about and who miraculously care for us in return.

As usual after a long drive I can't get to sleep immediately. If I try it feels like I'm watching one of those video race car games on the back of my eyelids. The cats are pleased to see us so I'll sit with them and watch a little tv to unwind. I hope you all had just as wonderful a time the past few days.

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