Wednesday, November 16, 2005

More on Higher Ed

I had hoped to include some links in my previous posting on higher education but did not get them together in time. If you are interested take a look at these:

IssuesPA is currently running several stories on higher education in the state.
CNN has a nice article on the growing problem of students starting college and not finishing. For those who take out loans, but don't complete the degree that will give them the job with the salary to pay the loans, it is a quick elevator ride to long-term debt.

For a more local view of the same problem, check out this post from my archives on the Philly statistics of those with some college but no degree. The general assembly is considering a bill, HB1706 (currently sitting in the education committee, where it was parked last June) that would ease the process of transferring credits from one school to another.

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