Monday, November 28, 2005

Dream Come True Week

I knew it was too good to believe. SR522 A Resolution declaring December 5 through 9, 2005, as "Dream Come True Week" in Pennsylvania, is not, in fact, another pr attempt by the legislature to win back our love, affection, and respect by going house to house and handing out goodies.

It no doubt refers to the Dream Come True, a tax exempt nonprofit organization which seeks to fulfill the dreams of children who are seriously, chronically, and terminally ill and reside in the greater Lehigh Valley area. Organizations like this are wonderful and should be recognized and supported. This past fall I went out on a rainy night to the annual Sleeping Angels beef and beer. Good people, good cause.

While just about everybody supports larger, national charities, sometimes it's nice to help folks close to home, too.

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