Monday, October 10, 2005

Weight-y Matters

Finally realizing that I am never ever going to go to a gym on a consistent basis, about 2 months ago I started an at-home exercise routine. For upper body strength I am lifting weights. To avoid buying expensive equipment until I had stuck with it for a while I just used what we had at home. I began with cans of hominy (15 oz, about a pound) then graduated to Bush's Baked Beans (1 lb 12 oz, close to two pounds). Today, in recognition of my progress so far, I went to Target and bought 3 lb weights. Not exactly earth shattering, but this is the longest I have ever stayed with any sort of regular workout (except for daily walks, or the jogs during the failed dog experiment, but that's another story). Any day now those veins are going to start popping out on my biceps, I just know it. ;)

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