Tuesday, September 13, 2005

DFA Straw Poll

In the email inbox, a note from DFA:

This week, Democracy for America is hosting an online vote to determine which congressional candidate will receive our first DFA-List endorsement of 2006. The vote is open to all challengers and open seat candidates. The candidate with the most votes at the end of balloting will receive a DFA-List endorsement and a national e-mail from DFA's Chair Jim Dean.

The voting will take place in two stages. First, we will hold an online vote ending on Saturday, 9/17 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time to narrow the field of candidates down to the top ten. For the second round, we will hold an Instant Run-off Vote among the top ten candidates to determine our first endorsement of 2006.

To place a vote go to:


Six Pennsylvania condidates are on the ballot:

Chris Carney PA-10
Lois Herr PA-16
Lois Murphy PA-06
Patrick Murphy PA-08
Steen Porter PA-03
Paul Scoles PA-07


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  2. I could be wrong, but I get the impression that axing these things keeps more from coming, while letting the "test shot" go means a follow-up barrage. of course, it's a pain either way.

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