Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What Dems Need to Do

There is a very interesting dicussion going on over at Joe Hoeffel's site (www.joehoeffelandfriends.com). The topics is what the Democrats need to do to reconnect with the American people. I've been chiming in and hope many of you will also.


  1. good idea, but I resent having to register in order to leave my thoughts. I get plenty of mail from politicians right now, both snail and e-, and don't want more.

    I guess I think that the Iraq and the hearts issues can be connected pretty naturally -- see this post in that very regard. Feel free to pass the thoughts along to the discussion!

  2. I haven't gotten any extra political email since signing up at Hoeffel's site so I think they are being very responsible with the information. I do share your views, though, and I seldom post on sites that require registration (except, Philly Future, of course!). It's similar to grocery store cards, etc. I wont' even sign up for the papers online, preferring paper, because they want so much information.
