Here are a few updates on recent postings:
Earlier this week I mentioned in passing that Joel Rice, a longshot candidate for Philly city council has a blog. Young Philly Politics has an extended posting on this young man. We need a few more people willing to tilt at windmills.
I've noted earlier that Greg Vitali was being penalized for coming out against the legislative payraise. The Inky this week had another story on that. Someone left a comment on a earlier posting here to say their legislator, Jim Casorio, was also being penalized.
Also this week I posted a note on Patrick Murphy being on AirAmericaradio. As is my usual practice when I say something nice about a politician, I sent an email to him (or to the email on his website) to let them know. (It is very hypocritica,l but when I bash someone I never say a word to them. Color my belly yellow.) In the past someone at the person's office or campaign has been quick to respond. Joe Hoeffel. Greg Vitali. Both quick, both very gracious. So I sent a note to Murphy's campaign. So far nary a peep. I also investigated Chuck Pennacchio's web site. It is very well done with lots of issue materials. Extremely thorough. There is a page that asks you to list your blog and they can contact you with information. I filled out the form and clicked submit but it came back to my email as undeliverable. That isn't good.
You should check out Paul Lang's (the other veteran in the 8th) appearance on Air America.