Sunday, August 21, 2005

PA in Fast Company

Just finished the Sept. issue of Fast Company. Two PA-related tidbits:

1) In an interview with Greg Daniels, the man in charge of the America version of the BBC's "The Office," he says this:

One of our actors went to the town of Scranton, Pennsylvania, with video equipment ot interview people who worked at different paper companies for research. It turned out to be very similar to what's on our show. (p. 37)

2) "The Fall and Rise of David Pottruck," on the former CEO of Charles Schwab. Turns out he went to U Penn and was captain of the wrestling team (p.60). Last November he guest lectured at Wharton (p. 61). (article pp. 56-62)

[Disclaimer: Neither I nor anyone I know or am related to is employed by or benefits personally from this publication. I often buy it on the newstand but currently have a limited free subscription exchanged for some not likely to be used airline miles.]

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