Thursday, August 18, 2005

PA GOP in the News

I previously blogged on, the conversative organization formed to keep the legislative pay increase in the public spotlight. Seems the state GOP is turning on its young, based on this letter. (via PoliticsPA and GrassrootsPA)

Both A Smoke-Filled Room and Keystone Politicsreported earlier this week on a Philadephia City Council staffer's suggestion that hourly legal work for hearings on take-out beer licenses be given to lawyers who "do favors for their political parties, represent people in court pro bono, and represent the politicans and community groups pro bono." I'm all for rewarding pro bono work but this seems open to misinterpretation and misuse. The staffer who suggested it was Aaron Finestone, a Republican ward leader. That must be a common name for Philadelphia Republicans, going by this.

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