Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Comments Generally

While the kerfuffle has been front and center on this blog lately, there is an entry that scrolled off the front page getting MORE comments. I've been disturbed by this because it appears to be 3 or 4 people arguing amongst themselves on the same subject over a number of blogs. The language is sometimes profane and some comments contain personal statements aimed at others leaving comments. I've gone round and round about this -- should the comments be removed? should they stay? What criteria should I use for removal?

There haven't been any new comments there for a few days so I think I will leave them for the moment, in case removal would start the cycle up again, and since they are far enough down that I dont' think anyone else will see them. Generally, however, profane name calling and vulgar insults aimed at anyone other than me will be removed. That sounds like a good policy.

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