Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Big Honkin' Meetup Reminder

Just a reminder to everyone that the big DFA Meetup is tonight at 7pm. It is a consolidated Meetup for all five local Philadelphia counties.

Chris Bowers of Mydd be speaking. Five Democratic candidates for Congressional seats currently held by Republicans are expected to attend: Lois Murphy, Lois Herr, Paul Scoles, Ginny Schrader and Patrick Murphy. This is your chance to look them over.

The address is Yards Brewery, 2439 Amber St, Philadelphia, PA 19125, 215.634.2600

Should be a couple of hundred people. For more info visit this site:

Announcements that went out to bloggers for this event often had the tag line "Oh yeah, and free beer." As the resident wet blanket in the Philly blogosphere, let me remind everyone who plans to indulge to do so responsibly and to do what you can to see that people get home, to their cars, or the bus stop safely. It's easy for one loopy person to get lost in a big crowd, so please look out for each other. And, remember, its okay to have a soda if you prefer or if it's just what you feel like this evening. Those who think it odd for people to decline, keep your opinions to yourself. Remember, its a big blue tent these days.

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