Sunday, July 17, 2005

X-ray Glasses at HUP

In the July 2005 issue of Fast Company, p. 32, there is an interesting note on a new innovation from Siemens, augemented reality goggles that are being used to let doctors combine MRI and CT scans with real-life vision when doing certain surgical and other medical techniques. They can see images of tumors, etc. superimposed over a person's skull or other body part, to allow for more accurate and less-invasive techniques. One of the places using these new devices is the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Can flying cars be far behind?


  1. Psst, I think flying cars are around - they're just really expensive..

  2. D'Oh!!

    Next thing you know there will be robotic vacuum cleaners.

    BTW, I like your blog and will add it to my bloglist next time I update it.
