Friday, July 29, 2005

Iraqi Vets as Candidates

The Inky had an article today on Iraqi vets running for national office. I thought this section was very interesting:

Eight Iraq war veterans have run or announced runs for political office across the country, according to the two major parties. Although all but one are Democrats, none has spoken out against the war or stated support for a troop withdrawal.

Where are all the Operation Yellow Elephant veterans? (This is a movement to get all those young conservatives in favor of the war to sign up themselves.)

Only one of the eight is in Pennsylvania. Patrick Murphy is running for the 8th Congressional District (mostly in Bucks Co, with a bizarre looking gerrymanded drop of sweat extending into Montgomery Co). Oddly enough, his only declared Democratic competition is another vet, Paul Lang, who was injured while on duty in the Coast Guard (I think in Alaska, but am not sure on this). The Republican incumbent is Fitzpatrick, but the seat is best known for former congressman Jim Greenwood.

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